
Last updated:30. Jan. 2003


Codex -- Code Generator


In programming we often have repetitive, tedious tasks to do. I am lazy, so I often spend time reducing the tedious tasks to the absolute minmum (I subscribe to Terence Parr's motto: "Why program by hand in five days what you can spend five years of your life automating?"). This often means writing some glue code in Perl or Ruby or creating some simple ad hoc code generators. Two years ago I've been using XSLT to generate code from some XML "specification". But I find XSLT hard to maintain and I have to admit that I am probably lacking the necessary mindset for a tool like XSLT. Since all my last projects included code generation in some way, I was thinking about a generalized tool. A tool that might suit users of Together or Rational Rose as well as those of us hanging on to Emacs or some such editor. I was looking into XDoclet, which I found quite impressive (and have used succesfully in some projects). But although I liked having everything in one place, i.e. Java code and the additional information for generating other code, configuration files etc. Sometimes I have the information needed already in some other place, e.g. in a CASE-Tool repository or a database. So I needed a less restricted environment.

Another thing I do not like is the XDoclet template language (which is going to be replaced by Velocity sometime in the future). But I often needed more expressiveness. So when I remembered a tool called BeanShell, a Java scripting engine, I considered it the perfect match: Having templates like JSPs that embed normal Java code which is then evaluated by BeanShell to produce a newly generated file. Not having to learn yet another language -- even a simple one -- is another advantage.

But what sort of "model" should I use. The ubiquitous XML again? What about my CASE-Tool repository or the tags that XDoclet is using? So I decided to create a representation (a meta model) in Java, that might be filled from any of these: XML, tags in the source code or any other source that was able to create either XML or directly create Java objects. This representation should at least contain classes and fields, and should be very extensible.

So Codex is an environment that allows to generate code from a "model" using templates.


The following figure gives an overview over Codex:

codex overview
Fig 1: An overview of the Codex code generation


Codex "Hello World"

Before going into the details I want to start with a simple example, a Codex "Hello World". The simplest model (in the Codex XML format) consists of a single class with no fields and no operations:

   <class name="Hello"/>

Now let's generate a corresponding Java source file using the following template:

public class ${clazz} {

If the model is in "model.cml" and the template in "simple.ctl" Codex can be invoked on the command line with:

$ codex -m model.cml -t simplest.ctl

and the output should be:

public class Hello {

So ${clazz} has been replaced by "Hello", the name of the class by implicitely calling clazz.toString(). Everything between ${ and } will be evaluated as an expression and the result will be written to the output stream. The clazz object is the central object for every template. It is a global variable made available to the template by Codex. With the above command line invocation, Codex executes the given template (simplest.ctl) for each class in the model file, each time setting the global variable clazz to a new value. Since there was only a single class in the model file, the template was only invoked once.

Since the above example was so simple and the result could have been achieved easily with XSLT. Let's look at a slightly more interesting example. The following code fragment might be from a simple data access layer:

   preparedStatement.setLong( 1, valueObject.getId() );
   preparedStatement.setString( 2, valueObjact.getName() );
   preparedStatement.setLong( 3, valueObject.getTransactionDate() );

It fills the parameter of an update or insert statement using the data from a ValueObject. For each database table and each corresponding ValueObject, the code is structurally the same. So this might be a godd candidate for code generation. The template for the above code might look like

   public void bindArguments (  PreparedStatement p, ValueObject vo ) {
      int pos = 1;
      for ( MetaField aField : clazz.getDeclaredFields() ) { %>
         p.set${aField.getType()}( ${pos++}, vo.get${aField.getName()}() );
      <% } %>

In the above template fragement we are iterating over all field declared in the clazz object (clazz.getDeclaredFields()) using the new Java 1.5 syntax for iterating over collections. The rest is quite straightforward (if you know JSP). But to be able to write new templates, it is surely necessary to know the Codex metamodel. Luckily Codex comes with an Eclipse plugin that has code completion in these templates. But a look on the metamodel now, might help anyway:

UML: meta model overview
Fig 2: An overview of the Codex MetaModel

There are similiar models like the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) or the XML Metadata Interchange (XMI) specification of the OMG. I considered to use one of these existing models, but they both seemed much too complicated for me. The EMF was only in its infancy when the first version of Codex has been developed and I must admit that the "Not Invented Here"-Syndrome might have started to set in here, too.

Starting from the global clazz object all fields, and operations declared in this class (as well as the inherited ones) can be accessed. They also could be manipulated but generally retrieving information from the previously loaded model should be sufficient for code generation. But often the information in the model might not be sufficient for the task at hand. For the previous example of a simple data access layer, it might be necessary to add the table and column names to the model. Therefore Codex provides a mechanism to add information to any element in the meta model. These additional informations are called "Annotations" (following the JSR-175). An annotated model (using again the Codex XML format to specify the model) could then look like this:

   <class name="Customer" table="CUST">
      <field name="lastName" column="CUST_LAST_NAME"/>
      <field name="firstName" column="CUST_FIRST_NAME"/>

When the model is loaded, the additional attributes are loaded, too and can be accessed by calling getAnnotation():

  static String TABLE = \" ${clazz.getAnnotation("table")} \";

If more complex annotations than simple strings are needed, names like "db.table", "db.primarykey" etc. as in Java property files can be used. But Codex is also able to create (and load) complex objects (see Annotations And Aspects ).

Metadata based Code generation

The following shall put Codex into context: What other tools I am aware of, what I think about MDA (is Codex MDA?) and when Codex or any other code generator are not to be used. If you are mainly interested in using Codex just skip the following and goto Using Codex .

Model Driven Architecture

First, I must admit that I do not like the name "Model Driven Architecture". But from the OMG point of view Codex might be considered as an MDA tool: It creates code from a model. The model must not necessarily be a UML model, but a XMI-Loader is currently developed. Codex does no model to model transformation, there is only a single step from model to code, but anyway, the concepts are not too far away. So why don't I like the term MDA? One thing I fear is the hype that currently (as of 2003) surrounds MDA, it's big promises. Another is the name in itself, my notion of "architecure" seems to differ from the OMG's notion. For me, architecture means a high level view of the system. If I have to explain a software system to a new colleague, the architecture is the structure of the system I draw on a sheet of paper, so he has a frame of reference, when he is lost in the details. (That also means that the "architecture" depends to a certain degree on the person I am speaking to, see also Fowler (2003)). Figure 1 might called the architecture of Codex. But a model used in MDA must be much more detailed, so I could perhaps live with "Model Driven Development", but then again any term that contains "driven" makes me feel lead by the nose.

XDoclet, EMF, etc.

There are other tools doing similiar stuff, e.g.XDoclet, EMF, ArcStyler, CodaGen, b+m generator framework, XCoder, AndroMDA etc. If you know any of the tools, please tell me what you conceive as their major benefits (or problems). I can just tell how and why Codex has been developed. Some of the tools I have not even heard of when I started implementing Codex in early 2003. And tools like ArcStyler or CodaGen are quite heavily priced, so I do not consider them here either.

XDoclet: As I said in the first chapter: I like XDoclet. When I would not want to create my own templates, I could stick with XDoclet. But I do not like their template language. Even the XDoclet developers seem to dislike it now and want to replace it by Velocity. But in early 2003 I did not know of any plans moving to Velocity as template language. The other thing I see as a disadvantage is their using of JavaDoc tags as only mechanism to load the XDoclet meta model. AndroMDA provides a mechanism to get from UML models to the XDoclet meta model, by creating code with XDoclet tags. But again I end in XDoclet land.

Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF): I consider EMF as the heaviest contender. When I asked them early 2003 if they would have a template language, to be able to generate any code and not only the code EMF generated out of the box, the answer was not very promising, but in autumn they had the Java Emitter Templates (JET), which is very similiar to what Codex does. And they already have XMI import. So if you like Codex have a look at EMF.

b+m generator framework: Became Open Source late in 2003. They are much more based on the OMG MDA concept, e.g. using a real UML/MOF meta model. The template language is homegrown and has support by the company that originally developed it. We have to see what happend to the code.

When not to use Codex (or any other code generator)

Using any code generation tool comes with a certain price. In the simplest case, you must learn to use the tool, learn how to write a Codex model file (in XML), or a CASE tool and the additional tagged values, sterotypes and marker interfaces used by the code templates (see TODO). This works reasonably well if all you want to generate is some EJB code and the necessary deployment descriptors. The target domain is well understood, there are not too many corner cases to be expected, that the templates won't generate well. You won't have to adapt generated code, or use some barely documented extension points of the generated code.

But if you have to write your own templates, you have to invest some hours. You have to learn the template language and the API of the meta model. But this is quite simple. The real challenge is the target or application domain. Do you have enough experience of the target domain? Do you really know what can be generated and which extension points must be offered? There are books on domain engineering or product family lines (TODO) that might help you with this task. But anyway, even if you succeed, did you invest more time into the code generation than it would have cost you to implement everything by hand? If yes, will you use the templates in the following projects, and later regain some of the investement in the templates? Can you simply adapt the templates to new needs and regenerate the code?

My advice: use existing templates for a well known application domain and leave the rest to nerds like me. Ok, we will have all the fun, but you will have a running system.

Using Codex

Template language

The template language is basicially like JSP. Java Code embedded in static text. The parsing and transformation is therefore quite simple. Java Code between "<%" and "%>" will be left as is (with the "<%" and "%>" removed). Java Code between "<%=" and "%>" will be evaluated as expression and written to the output stream. Instead of "<%=" and "%>" you can also use "${" and "}". The code can be any legal Beanshell code, which is nearly equivalent to normal Java code (for the exceptions and enhancements, e.g the Java 1.5 for loop see

The rest, the static text will be wrapped in double quotes and written to an output stream. If the template

public String toString () {
   StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
      for ( MetaField aField : clazz.getDeclaredFields() ) { %>
           buf.append(<%= aField.getName() %>).append("\n"); 
   <% } %>

is parsed and transformed by Codex, it will result in something like:

doc.println("public String toString () {");
doc.println("   StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();");
for ( MetaField aField : clazz.getDeclaredFields() ) { 
    doc.print("   buf.append(");
    doc.print( aField.getName() );
    doc.println(").append(\"\\n\"); ");
    doc.print("      ");

The doc variable is roughly the same as the output writer object in JSPs. It is normally initialized to stdout, but can be changed by the @document pragma (see below). In a big project with many classes, such a template might get used quite often. Since the templates will be interpreted by Beanshell at runtime, this could become quite slow. But if the template is wrapped in a function declaration and then only the function will be called for each execution, Beanshell is much faster. It has to parse the function only once, and keeps a representation of the parse result. So in reality the transformation result will look like:

void C_project_codex_test_user_guide_simplest_ctl (MetaClass clazz, DocumentFactory docFactory) { 
   TemplatePrintWriter doc = new TemplatePrintWriter(System.out);


The DocumentFactory is used when the output shall be redirected to a file . If anywhere in the template the @document pragma is used, the output will be redirected to the file given after the pragma:

<%@document "" %>

This pragma can occur multiple times in the template, thereby creating multiple files from a single template. This is often useful, e.g. if the a ValueObject class shall be created that is used by some other generated classes. If everything is in one place it is easier to keep it all consistent. And perhaps, some complicated calculations have to be done only once. On the other hand the template might get too complicated. So it is -- as so often -- a question of balance.

When the output will be redirected to another file, the previous file will be closed and post processed for formatting (see TODO).

As said before the language supported by Beanshell is nearly like Java. One notable exception is the source command, that evaluates the content of the given file. As far as Codex is concerned, this is equivalent to including the content of file in the template. But there are some technical caveats that are important for the usage of Codex as part of an IDE like Eclipse. The reasons are quite difficult to explain (see Codex Eclipse Plugin ), so here it should be enough to state that instead of the source command, the @include pragma should be used:

<%@include "base.ctl" %>

There currently is another pragma, the @import pragma. But it is still and I would advise against using it yet. It is used instead of normal import statements, which can be placed anywhere as far as Beanshell is concerned. But for code completion purposes (see Eclipse Plugin ), Codex tries to create a valid Java source file. So the import statements have to be moved outside the actual template code and to help Codex find the import statements, the imports should be declared using the @import pragma:

<%@import java.util.*, de.artive.code.model.* %>
<%@import de.artive.codex.loader.* %>

The import statements may still be placed anywhere. Still: if the Eclipse will be able to handle import statements anywhere, this pragma will be deprecated (but still supported).

Post processing

One of the reasons, some people dislike generated code, is the format (indentation, etc.) of the generated files. It nearly never matches the coding guide lines and/or the templates look very strange to achieve a result that roughly resembles the coding standards. Codex therefore has an integrated post processing step, that formats files (depending on their suffix, e.g. ".java") with a post processor. This post processor might be configured, and it should be easy to adapt any formatting tool, so that it can be used with Codex. Codex contains the powerful Jalopy code formatter (which unluckily became commercial at the end of 2003, but the version that is coming with Codex is still open source (BSD) and the best formatter that I am aware of). If another formatter shall be used with Codex, the post processor must implement the following interface:

public interface PostProcessor {
   * Reads the given file and generates an output file if
   * the PostProcessor is responsible for files that have the suffix of the given file.
   * Beware the fileIn and fileOut may be the same. The PostProcessor itself has to
   * check for this condition. The PostProcessor may choose to keep a copy of 
   * the original file in this case but does not need to.
   * @param fileIn
   * @param fileOut
   public void process(String fileIn, String fileOut);
   * Makes the PostProcessor responsible for files that have the given file suffix.
   * @param suffix -- the file suffix that this post processor is responsible for,    e.g. "java".
   * do not include the first "." (dot). If ".java" is added    then only files like "" 
   * shall be processed
   public void addSuffix(String suffix);


And then Codex must be told to use this formatter for certain files. In the Codex configuration file Jalopy is configured as post processor for files that end with ".java":

    <post-processor class="de.artive.codex.template.JalopyPostProcessor" suffixes="java"/>

Meta Model

Codex Model Files

Annotations and Aspects

We had quite some discussions on what to call these items: attributes, properties, tagged values, etc. But none of them were sticked (they were used in other contexts, e.g. "property" for JavaBeans or were not intuitive, like "tagged values").


Initializing Codex

Codex is initially configured by an XML file. You can configure which Loaders shall be used, or which post processors. For each Loader you can define which model files and/or directories will be loaded, etc. A sample configuration file might look like this:


      <loader class="de.artive.codex.loader.xml.XmlLoader" alias="xml" path="cml/UserGuideModel.xml"/>
      <loader class="de.artive.codex.loader.reflection.ReflectionLoader"/>
     <post-processor class="de.artive.codex.template.JalopyPostProcessor" suffixes="java" alias="jalopy"/>

    <aspectory alias="sql" class="de.artive.codex.aspect.sql.SqlAspectory"/>

Let's go through all elements step by step (The root element is always "codex"):

<outdir>This element defines the global output directory. Every file generated with a relative path (see @document) will be created below this output directory
<model>Codex contains a (singleton) model, which will be configured by the following elements
 <loaders>To load MetaClasses, the model uses a list of Loaders(see MetaClassLoaders ). When a class is not already loaded, the model asks each configured loader to load the class. The order in which the loaders are asked is determined by the order of the XML elements. In the example above, the XmlLoader will be asked first and then the ReflectionLoader (see also TODO).
The fully qualified name of the class to be used as Loader. The class has to implement the MetaClassLoader interface and must have a no-args constructor
The path attribute defines the "classpath" of the Loader, i.e. it is the list of files and directories, where the Loader should look for model files. (For a discussion on the search algorithm used, see TODO, but it is roughly equivalent to that of a normal class loader)
The alias attribute is used to reference configured items by a global name, e.g. by the Aliases (below)
<post-processors>The postProcessor element defines classes that are used to post process code (any files) that are generated by Codex, eg. to format and indent Java Code (see Post Processing)
the class attribute must contain the fully qualified class name of the post processor
the suffixes attribut must contain a comma separated list of suffixes, for which this post processor should be used. It is thereby possible to have different post processors for XML and Java.
The alias attribute is used to reference configured items by a global name, e.g. by the Aliases (below)
<aspectories>Aspectories are Factories that are used to create complex annotation objects (see Annotations and Aspects)
  class=the fully qualified class that should be instantiated as Aspectory (must have a no-args constructor)
  alias=The alias, which can be used to later reference the installed aspectory e.g. from the Aliases (below)


If the existing loaders, post processors and (most likely) aspectories are not sufficient and added to the configuration file, they must be added to the CLASSPATH. The batch (shell) scripts use a simple mechanism (also used by Ant): just copy the jar file to the lib directory of your Codex installation and the jar file will be automatically included in the CLASSPATH. (For the Eclipse plugin ... TODO)

The additional components might be configured using the default codex configuration files if they comply with some simple conventions. The component must be a Java Bean, i.e. for each property that should be configured by Codex, there must be a setter (or a getter, if the property is a collection). Let's say, we have implemented a new Loader that uses a database as source. It has the properties: ConnectionString, User and a Password. The configuration could then look like:

  <loader class="sample.DbLoader" alias="mydb" 

Attribute and element names are transformed automatically to valid Java property names (all "-" will be removed and all characters after a "-" and the first will be transformed to upper case). So Codex will first instantiate the class sample.DbLoader and then call setConnectionString(), setUser() and setPassword() with the appropriate values. If the property is not a value type (String, Date and all primitive types), an XML element instead of an attribute must be used and the element must contain a "class" attribute. So if we want to add multiple connections, the configuration file should look like this:

  <loader class="sample.DbLoader" alias="mydb">
      <connection class="sample.ConnectionInfo"

For the above to work, there must be either a method getConnections() that returns a collection or a method called addConnection(ConnectionInfo). The latter is a deviation from the standard JavaBean specification which simplifies the implementation of collection properties (see also Codex Model Files ).

Default Initialization (TODO)

Aliases (command line)

The initialization by a Codex configuration file is quite basic. Often, a certain models shall be used for an invocation of Codex, or only a single class (of all loaded classes) shall be used for code generation. This can easily be done by the command line. In the above section we saw that most configuration elements contained a n "alias" attribut. Using this attribute the configured object can be accessed later (even from the command line).

In the above example, the XmlLoader was given the alias "xml". When the loader shall later be retrieved, the following code can be used:

XmlLoader xmlLoader = (XmlLoader) Codex.theCodex().getConfigurable("xml");

If the model file "MyModel.xml" shall be loaded by the XmlLoader, the command line must look sonething like:

$ -m:xml MyModel.cml ...

This works well for MetaClassLoaders that are known to Codex in advance. But what about a new MetaClassLoader (post processor, Aspectory, ...), that Codex does not yet know about, but which should be configurable by the command line as well? Let's say the new Loader uses a database and needs to know the connection string for the database. To be able to configure the connection string by the command line, the Loader must have a settter for that property, e.g. setConnectionString(). If the loader has been initialized with the alias "db", the property can be configured with:

$ -db:connectionString user/password@exampldb

Codex will first look for a configured element with the alias "db" and then uses reflection to set the property. So it is quite easy to add new components to Codex without having to change the command line implementation. Let's continue with a full description of the command line interface

Command line options

short option keylong option keyoccurrenceparameterdescription
-c--conf1Codex configuration fileThis must be the first command line parameter, if the default configuration shall not be used.
-o--outdir1directorythe directory where all output files (with a relative path after the @document pragma) will be written.
-cl--classes*classSelectionthe classes for which code should be generated. This can either be a single fully qualified class name, or TODO
-m[:alias]--model[:alias]*modelFileA model file to be loaded. If the alias is given the Loader with this alias is used (see Aliases above).
-t--templates*templateFilesa list of template files (space separated)
 --<alias>:<property>*valuesetting any property of a previously registered component (see Aliases above)
.p:suffix--post:suffix*fully qualified class name of a class that implements the PostProcessor interface A post processor that should be used for post processing files (see Post Processors). The suffix determines which files this post processor is reponsible for
-l[:alias]--loader[:alias]*class (fully qualified ) that implements the MetaClassLoader interface registers a new MetaClassLoader with Codex (see Loader ).
-a-aspects*list of (fully qualified) class es that implements the Aspectory interfaceRegistes a new Aspectory with Codex. The Alias property of the Aspectory will be used to register it.

Eclipse Plugin




AspectJ: (

AOP: Aspect Oriented Programming (

BeanShell (

EMF: The Eclipse Modeling Framework (

Fowler, M. (2002): Using MetaData. In: IEEE Software, November/December 2002 (Vol. 19, No. 6), pp. 13-17

Fowler, M. (2003): Who needs an architect?. In: IEEE Software. September/October 2003 (Vol. 20, No. 5). pp. 11-13

JSR 40: The JavaTM Metadata Interface (JMI) Specification (

JSR 175: A Metadata Facility for the Java Programming Language (

Newkirk, J. and Vorontsov, A. (2002): How .NET's Custom Attributes Affect Design. In: IEEE Software, September/October 2002 (Vol. 19, No. 5), pp. 18-20

UML: OMG Unified Modeling Language Specification, Version 1.4 (

XDoclet: (

XMI: XML Metadata Interchange: (



© 2002, 2003 Victor Volle